Dixie Chicks; "Not Ready To Make Nice"

People who fear ideas scare the hell out of me. People who don't
even know what they stand for (like, yammering on about this
country being great and condemning citizens who value free speech!)
also scare me. But this country is full of both.

Thank goodness for the Dixie Chicks. Granted, they may not have
set out to become firebrands of forward thinking; it was sort of a
circumstance thing. But they didn't back down. They did the right
thing in a time when no one else had the presence of mind or
character to do so (on the national scene, aside from maybe Michael

The Chicks were consummate powerhouse artists already, and I
loved their music, but their stance against GWBJr. solidified them
as class acts.

I love this song for so many reasons; beautiful 'Scarlet Letter'
videography, defiance, class, anger, reinvention, heads held high,
comeback..you name it. It makes for a great anthem for facing turmoil
in this country, where small-mindedness and reactionary
stances have remained part of the landscape.


And for an excellent documentary for more in-depth information
about the whole War controversy, check out the excellent "Shut
Up And Sing" documentary. Here's a preview;

